Today, I went to meet
up with the head librarian of my local library. The book is coming out in ebook
format next week and I still don’t know when the paperback will go live but I thought
I’ll get the ball rolling for the printed copy.
I wasn’t really given a
specific time by the other librarians I spoke to the other day so I thought I’d
come around mid-morning. When I arrived I was greeted by one of the librarians I
met before and he announced my arrival. The head librarian looked friendly and
approachable when she turned up. She then led me to a quiet corner in the
library where there were a couple of armchairs and a love seat around a wide
Then she invited me to
sit down before she settled onto the love seat.
So, there I was
thinking: Where should I sit? If I sit on the arm chair there’s that wide table
between us and we’ll be forever reaching forward to each other and she might
think I didn’t want to sit with her. Also, I’m a friendly girl.
Decision made: I sat on
the love seat…and found that it wasn’t THAT wide enough for the 2 of us with me
wearing my coat, shoulder bag and with her perched in the corner. But it was too
late to move because she might think I didn’t
want to sit with her!
Then what followed was
just a joke after another: I didn’t know what to say...She wasn’t even smiling
at me...Then she pointed to the word “savior” in the blurb of my book asking me
"What that word was?" Me, being confused said “savior” when she said (sa-vee-or)
then it clicked that she was looking for “saviour” which is the British way of
spelling. Duh! So, I then explained that I have published with an American
When we finished I literally
wanted to sink into the floor. The ship had sank before it even set sail :(
Made my day! hahaha :D